Aku geram betul. Ni dah masuk kali ke-3 or 4 aku takleh main FF7, sebab nanti dia stuck before prompting windows error message. Untuk kali terakhir aku main tadi, terus aku cek out berapa harga FF XI hahaha hangin hangin
Tapi my dearest hubby telah solvekan problem bodoh tu. Rupanya memang FF7 bila main kat Windows XP akan encounter problem bila sampai Chocobo Race, which he pronounced it as Chochobo hehehe kiut kiut Tak sangka, orang yang tak main FF langsung cam dia bole kasi aku main balik.. Tenkiu so so much.. Sebenanya aku memang dah patah hati tadi uhuhuhuhu
Hubby citer ada kawan aku beli FF XI dulu harga dia RM400,uih mahal betul..Tapi mesti waktu tu baru klua, mesti cam hot cakes lagi.. Aku jumpa kat Amazon less then GBP1o.00..Hehehe tapi aku rasa aku akan punya masalah lain plak kot, graphic card tak power la... =(
Aku sebenanya tak berapa pandai masak nasi goreng. First time belaja masak nasi goreng dulu, pakai perencah nasi goreng Adabi.. yep, perencah nasi goreng Adabi antara perencah yang tersedap, cuma mak aku cakap rasa sangat belacan dia. So bila aku masak aku suka put in some cili boh, kasi pedas rasa dia.. Sebab aku rasa tak berapa sedap nasi goreng aku, so concentrate lebih pada masak lauk je hehe
Bila dah tinggal sendiri-sendiri ni, hari-hari makan nasi putih dengan satu atau dua main course pon rasanya bole muak jugak. Jadi untuk tak hari-hari makan nasi putih, aku selang-selangkan dengan pasta ke, masak sup atau tomyam yang bole makan dengan bihun ke...atau nasi goreng. Pasta senang je, beli spaghetti sos dan customize sendiri. Dah siap tu, eat while its hot.. jangan lupa kalo ada grated cheese, tabur atas pasta kita tu.. wallaaaa berasap-asap..
Luckily I enjoy cooking so much. Dalam banyak-banyak menda bagi la aku masak, insyaAllah beres. Dan hubby selalu tolong basuh pinggan hehehehe tenkiu tenkiu sebab tu saya setuju kawen dengan awak huhuhuhuhuhu gurau-gurau je.. Maklumlah dalam dunia yang semakin maju dan laju nih, perempuan nowadays ramai yang tak suka masak. Careers consume most of our time. Lagipon kalau kat Malaysia, kedai mamak 24 jam lak tu tumbuh macam cendawan lepas hujan. Gerai-gerai dan kedai-kedai makan tak susah nak jumpa. Maybe kalau aku kat KL sekarang ni pon, akan selalu makan kat luar agaknya. Yelah selain tolong orang kita kasi maju berniaga, bole la merasa camne crapnya derang ni masak (kalau yang crap tu maksud aku).. Average makan dua orang ari ni agaknya berapa, kalau kedai mamak tu 2 orang dalam RM 10 boleh dapat kan.. Lagi satu, aku kira affordable sebenanya untuk kita selalu makan luar. Ternyata banyak tolong kita-kita yang penat balik kerja then nak masak pulak atau sememangnya kita malas atau tatau masak?
Sebenanya masak tak susah. Asalkan rajin untuk cuba sure jadi punya. Aku pernah baca artikel kat majalah dulu, Lelaki ni prefer wife dia pandai masak atau rajin masak. Ada this one guy cakap, saya tak kesah dia tak berapa pandai masak sebab kalau dia rajin masak dia akan rajin cuba.. Macam kes kiterang nak tanak kena la masak sendiri sebabnya faktor halal haram makan tu la. Other than that, aku kira makan luar hari-hari macam kedai kebab (halal ye), atau fish and chip bole menyebabkan kiterang miskin lepas ni. Tak berbaloi.. Lagipon muntah aaa hari-hari makan sandwich, uwek.. Kalau dah perut melayu tu, perut melayu la jugak..
Sementara aku dah citer panjang-panjang ni, meh sini aku sertakan satu resepi nasi goreng cina yang aku baru try hari ni, taken from mesra.net (Tenkiu so much).. Alaaa, nasi goreng je =)
Ni je??
My blog is worth $1,129.08.
How much is your blog worth?
Ni hubby punya lak,hehe same le kita
My blog is worth $1,129.08.
How much is your blog worth?
Ho ho ho WELCOME WELCOME to my new blog. Untuk ntah kali keberapa aku tukar template dengan harapan aku tak bosan tengok blog sendiri..hehehe mesti orang ingat aku syok sendiri? hmm kinda ;)
Memula ingat nak tido-tido ayam jap,tapi peliknya mata tak bole pejam. Hubby kata aku dah banyak sangat tido,betul jugak tu. Sebenanya aku tengah frust, tengah syok-syok layan FF7, tetiba windows error prompt..uwaaargghh!! terus sangap. aku surf internet, rasa mata aku dah sakit dan berair, tu simptom ngantuk..tu yang masuk bilik ingat nak nap jap..
Tetiba aku rasa semangat blogging kembali. Lalu aku pon google, blog template.. hehehe aku pon try and error beberapa template yang rasa-rasanya bole tahan,konon-konon kewl la tu. Tetiba besemangat, hubby kata uih tak sangka awak leh jadi seseronok camni hahaha layan punya layan,dekat 5.30 dah, maghrib pon belum lagi..
alamak,patutlah perutku bebunyi-bunyi..hari makin malam,masak belum lagi..ari ni mau masak apa ye??
semoga aku terus semangat, amin..
aku baru je abis baca latest updet dr hubby tesayang ekekekeke klaka lak rasanya.tp menci ah,sebelum aku rasa nak tulis dulu,dia dah buat dah.tapi,entry ni bukan nak tiru dia,cuma dari view aku je.. =)
sambil tv tu duk tayang germany dalam world cup season,sambil aku duk heran kenapa laa germany je dia tayang ari ni..sambil tu jugak aku duk gelak baca hear u me oh ya,dia tayang germany je most probably sebab jumaat ni undian world cup kut.aku agak je la.. sambil tu aku pon pelik gak kenapa kenit tak balik-balik lagi,sebab dia cakap he'll try asap.kata nak gi print kat lab then library je.mungkin lepak browse buku atau print byk papers kut.maklumlah target sekarang nak anta paper by next february..
sebenanya dah lama dia menyatakan kebosanan hidup kat sini as well as phd life nih..bila aku tanya tak best ke buat keje-keje scientist nih,particularly research stuffs.katanya bes, mencabar..tp the fact yang dia rasa keje-keje dia tu somehow lead to nowhere tu upset him much..aku paham,penah rasa,penah buat menda yang sama..cuma aku tau keje-keje dia lagi susah,burden dia lagi berat.tho kita kat sini speak english,tapi tatau kenapa rasanya english kita dengan english mat saleh ni maksudnya lelain,kita paham lain,dia paham lain.. macam dulu aku selalu heran,aku tak berapa paham greeks speak english,tapi anyhow english akan paham..same goes to learning language,camne someone tu boleh menguasai beberapa bahasa,which eventually made me realized one thing: ada certain bahasa ni came from the same root..camtu la lebih kurang wakakakaka
memang betul aku tengah berjoli-joli lagi kat umah.tatau kenapa this time around aku malas nak klua bejalan-jalan.aku cakap kat kenit, kali ni memang aku tak tahan sejuk. agaknya datang kali ni dah sejuk,jadi badan lambat nak adapt. lepak umah je.masak.makan.layan tv.main games.tido.baca buku cerita.indah tak hidup? hahahahaha lagi indah hidup ni kalau buat semua menda di atas dan duit masuk poket jugak, in fact memang pon hahahaha tetapi teramat indah kalau duit yang banyak terus masuk poket. somehow aku kena keje gak pas nih. nak stay fit. nak shopping sakan since impian terbaru kiterang, pegi semua outlets kat uk. last time gi portsmouth, memang best.rupanya ada lagi outlets lagi besar dari kat portsmouth, lagi besar impian kiterang dan lagi banyak duit kena save nih. tu la aku kena keje,kalo tak camne nak gi short honeymoon nih dan shopping dan shopping dan shopping dan jejalan
ayah aku once said, phd ni tough,awak kena support dia all de way..
much luvs.. =)
sedar tak sedar je kita dah seminggu puasa.kalo last wednesday,aku buka puasa tepi bus stop kat seksyen 7 belakang itm(due to accident),hari ni maybe a nice place to eat in kj area.mana lagi kalo bukan kfc-a place where i want to be,la la aku pon lupa lagu theme kfc tu.kalo nak diikutkan sangat,sejak besar-besar ni aku bukanlah lagi fanatik kfc apa lagi adik aku kat umah tu selalu order kfc sampaikan kekadang aku yang tukang amik order ni nak muntah hahahaa tapi apa salahnya ari ni makan kfc,sometimes the less thing u want is the most thing u'll enjoy.kiterang emangnya ada plan untuk mentapau kfc,wen suddenly our fren sms and ask where to today?kenit pon tanya ok tak?the more the merrier and after some discussions took place we decided it to be kfc in kj hahaha how funny this'd be,one rare entry with decisions on where to eat awak saya tak berlagak pasal nak termuntah kfc tu,memang betul hari-hari adik saya nak makan kfc.. oh ya,there's a gathering plan,hope a really kewl place serves good food..
aku kira masa semakin pantas tinggalkan kita.sedar tak sedar kita dah sampai weekend,and then satu minggu baru untuk kita tempuh,kemudian dan kemudian.ye,kita makin besar dan dewasa.kalo dulu kita bole lepak dengan kawan-kawan minum petang atau supper lewat malam,sekarang satu demi satu kawan kita akan tinggalkan kita.nak tanak,kita akan kena tinggal juga disebabkan proses-proses normal yang memang terjadi.kawan pindah,kawan kawen,kawan dah ada family dan more responsibilities..itu kitaran dalam roda hidup,bukan roda impian..
since last time witnessing azan's happiness of becoming new proud father to his baby twins,we sometimes talked bout babies hahahaha tatau le bila,tapi aku nampak kegembiraan,kebanggaan dan kebahagian kat azan.sampaikan ada citer detik-detik cemas kelahiran,tumpang seronok aku baca hehehe
ish teringat karipap yang digoreng garing,panas-panas nyam nyam,dan juga golekan ayam kfc di dalam pinggan burp sesama kita
Happily I pronounce that the process of uploading wedding pictures is now taken place
*he he sukanya aku
salah satu events besar yang akan terjadi dalam hidup kita ni,happen to most of us,dah selamat dah untuk aku dan kenit.when i was younger,i expected it to be happened before i left 25 hehe kenapa ye?aku cakap sebab nak ikut sunnah nabi haha padahal aku rasa aku cakap ikut suka hati.konon tanak kawen lambat sangat as biologically aku ada berapa tahun je before 35 tahun.referring to my medic frens,at the age of 35 and over,the chances of you getting retarded kid is increasing..kalo aku kawen at 25,aku ada 10 tahun masanya untuk kenit and misya juniors hehe whom all are lefty and righty insyaAllah kan =)
talking about babies,a good fren of mine since dip,mr azan and bahyah telah selamat dikurniakan baby twins yang chomey chomey belaka,from pictures taken by azan's hp camera.congratss setahun kawen terus 2,so sesapa yang mahukan any tips bole la contact tuan punya diri hehehehe tahniah tahniah tahniah lagi
ada orang cakap kawen ni kan pembuka rezeki.tapi kan so far,ada beberapa insiden tak bes asyik kena kat kiterang.hari first pose,waktu tengah seronok-seronok bawak balik makanan beli kat stadium,kiterang accident kat seksyen 7.insiden which happened just an hour before magrib,terus buat seksyen 7 lagi sesak.kesian kenit..tambah sakit kepala dia..agak-agaknya lepas ni kiterang makin senang kut,amin amin
camne dengan aku?so far sehat alhamdulillah,a one-must-asked question whenever i met anybody.sehat?sehat aku jawab.apakah sinonimnya hahaha yelah kalo tak sehat,sakit-sakit camne nak pose?camne nak jaga hubby,walopon pada kenit dia yang jaga aku lebihnya hehehe aku pon rasa gitu gak.so far oklah,tadelah senang sangat,tadela nak kata susah sangat..kena la pandai-pandai komunikasi 2 hala,yela aku dah ada 2 families..
aku hangin betul la,tak dapat lagi nak upload gambar..sori sori guys,till next time ait
i'd like to take this opportunity wishing all Selamat Menyambut Ramadan dan Selamat Mengerjakan Ibadah Puasa..Selamat dan semoga kita diberkati dan dirahmati..
walaweh,title tu aku rasa possible to catch up people's attention kut hehe hari-hari terakhir apa?macam-macam orang leh interpret.sebenanya banyak yang aku leh citerkan..
firstly aku rasa hari-hari terakhir as bachelor,atau orang melayu call it as anak dara.aku errr tak berapa gemar perkataan tu,tatau kenapa.ANAK DARA.ye,a single word that symbolize singlehood,or those who are not married yet,a.k.a legally commit to somebody.aku sememangnya dari budak-budak lagi tak berapa gemar bila dengar bila mak aku and sedara mara atau neighbors atau kawan-kawan mak aku bercerita sesama derang,ooo dah anak dara ye,bla bla bla..pastu dengan topik wajib,bila-bila lagi.aku memang malas nak menjawab dan cuba lari as jauh as possible.sekarang ni,especially sekarang ni,sewaktu aku tulis entry nih,rasa tak percaya yang the event tu ialah hujung minggu ni je.
then hari-hari terakhir secara mandatorynya aku duduk dengan parents aku.how do i feel?emangnya aku rasa eppy nak tinggal dengan future hubby nih,tapi kan.. rasa sedih sebab masanya dah sampai.lepas ni aku dah tak bawah responsibily of my dad dah.dia pulak amik alih.transition which is slowly fall on us.bole lagi ke agaknya aku nak mengada-ngada dan gatal-gatal manja kat mak aku.selama 25 tahun ni aku rasa tak penah cukup,almaklumlah aku ni stubborn dan ego sket jadi tak senang nak tunjuk perasaan sendiri =P
lagi hari-hari terkakhir untuk buat sesuka hati aku.untuk bangun lambat walopon hari-hari kena leter(kes tak keje),then malas-malas sesuka hati.walopon i'll be joining somebody soon to wake up late,or maybe very late hahaha(sebab dua-dua tak keje)tapi tadela suka hati sendiri.nak ikut kepala sendiri sangat camne?disebabkan selalunya my stubborn head lead to irrational decisions,normally memang menyusahkan jadi belaja-belajalah dengar cakap orang kan
sememangnya banyak boleh aku tulis pasal hari-hari terakhir ni.sesapa punya experience pon tau-taula kan..
aku pandai masak tau(perasan!!)
nampaknya memang lama sangat aku tak updet blog.buktinya aku sendiri dah tak tengok,baca,layan blog sendiri.bukannya apa,sebab rasa malas dan tak semangat nak becerita.at one time aku rasa memacam stuffs dalam kepala aku mintak klua dan nicely susun.so orang yang baca(kalau ada)akan seronok dan aku jugak bisa tersenyum jua hehehe
tho not so many things happened lately,something happened too..maksud aku a BIG thing,yang akan tukar hidup aku pasni,bisa tukar.bole refer kat hear u me korang akan paham.straight to the point,i'm getting married.getting married,satu phase yang satu masa dulu aku cakap cam senang je,well sebenanya tak kut.aku rasa tak senang,tapi bole jadi tak sesusah to some of us expect it to be.sekarang,aku maybe tak rasa sangat,in time aku akan jadi gelabah.satu masa dulu ada orang penah cakap,kawen is another level dalam relationship kita with somebody,yang menyatakan kasih sayang dan menyatu padukan cinta chewah aku tulis menda camni hihihihi
apa yang aku harap,untuk jadi isteri yang terbaik,untuk sayang,cinta dan jaga dia sebaik-baiknya,untuk berada dan jadi orang kuat tak kira masa susah senang,to always support him,untuk masak sedap-sedap biar aku jadi the best chef in our world,to accept him for plainly being him,dan aku doakan untuk kerahmatan,kesenangan,kasih sayangNya untuk kita semua.Amin...
a good start for me eh
note:italy won last nite thanks to hattrick by luca toni and in form winger mauro camoranesi
How to start blogging back?how to get into the mood??
Guess this would be ok if I put this lyric here,since I do that whenever I wanted to.it’s like a taktik, making ur post looks full of stuffs hahaha
I don't need to be anything other
Than a prison guard's son
I don't need to be anything other
Than a specialist's son
I don't have to be anything the birth of two souls in one
Part of where I'm going, is knowing where I'm coming from
I don't want to be
Anything other than what I've been trying to be lately
All I have to doIs think of me and I have peace of mind
I'm tired of looking 'round rooms
Wondering what I've got to do
Or who I'm supposed to be
I don't want to be anything other than me
I'm surrounded by liars everywhere I turn
I'm surrounded by imposters everywhere I turn
I'm surrounded by identity crisis everywhere I turn
Am I the only one who noticed?
I can't be the only one who's learned
I don't want to be
Anything other than what I've been trying to be lately
All I have to do
Is think of me and I have peace of mind
I'm tired of looking 'round rooms
Wondering what I've got to do Or who I'm supposed to be
I don't want to be anything other than me
Can I have everyone's attention please?
If you're not like this and that, you're gonna have to leave
I came from the mountain
The crust of creation
My whole situtaion-made from clay to stone
And now I'm telling everybody
I don't want to be
Anything other that what I've been trying to be lately
All I have to doIs think of me and I have peace of mind
I'm tired of looking 'round rooms
Wondering what I've got to do
Or who I'm supposed to be
I don't want to be anything other than me
I don't want to be
Don’t misjudge me,I’m not a fan of ONE TREE HILL.dulu orang cakap one tree hill pon aku Tanya balik apa tu??Cuma aku rasa lagu ni,a rite song at the right moments *wink*
heylo,the odd feelings of writing came all of a sudden.aku tau,it's been a very long time i didn't write anything.balik-balik cover dengan lirik lagu,which is lame to certain people.u'r not being original for not putting ur own thoughts.it's just that the transition that i've been tru lately,makes me a boring person kut =(
how can i define the term of 'boring'.bila ko rasa monotonous as life passes u by,bila tade apa yang excite ko,camtu kut.rasa macam losing my ideas,cam my muse is vanishing.i really do enjoy other people's writings,and it's very encouraging.then,when i started typing 1,2,...3 words,aku mula rasa lost.i envy those who can write good stuffs in their unik ways,especially with the strong vocabs and languages both in malay and english.tapi apa paling penting i guess is the idea itself.kalau tade idea camne nak tulis,tade nak tulis,apa pon tade kan??
dari mana idea datang?for some people whom encountered many obstacles, ups and downs in life,there are many stories to tell which we can share among us.some come from reading lotsa stuffs.some are just so lucky that they born talented.linguistics pada aku,is not an easy stuff.aku ingat waktu sekolah my malay language subjects were bad,even now.senang cakap,aku tak pandai bahasa-bahasa ni,dat's why i tend to copy others hehehe aku ada problem dgn bab copy-mengcopy ni,which i'd prefer to keep it to myself.kalu tanya sekarang,siapakah penulis yang aku suka layan?hahaha dat's the problem of being adolescent,malas nak membaca even text books(tu pon dah tepaksa).the last story book that i enjoyed so much,angels and demons.kalau the last text book that myself baca,errr apakah?
apa masalah aku ni?emm this is the adult life that perhaps i'm not ready to encounter yet.it's like i'm waiting for some miraculous events that eventually take me somewhere.but dun be stupid la hasniza,nothing will ever happen unless u do something,bold to take the action that lead to the start of something.
some might find this really boring kut,aku tau aku tau.
if u wanna be somebody
if u wanna go somewhere
u better get up and pay attention
AL-FATIHAH untuk salah seorang kawan kenit,whom i met for the first and sadly final time last year during their futsal tournament.Allah lebih sayangkan dia..aminn
apakah perkara-perkara yang membuatkan orang bahagia?how do u define 'bahagia'?is it short term or long term of bliss?this a fren of mine(no longer a fren hehe) used to tell us stories in his usual way..'rasa bahagia tak lepas berak' what?kitorang gelak,sambil tu aku cakap kat dia,'ko ni memang merepek' bila jauh-jauh camni,whenever i had thoughts of my younger days,frens,him,i just realized how he's being truly him,he's just so dem right.now,it's my turn to pass the same story to my frens here until one day i got this,'apa kawan ko cakap pasal bahagia tu memang bahagia,aku akan ingat pasal ni sampai bebila' nah,this is only a crap intro hehe
me the latest.just finished exam last saturday.went to an interview to apply national insurance no today.am going to work temporary as housekeeping this summer.am going to short hols end of this week.missing mesia so much.
oh ya,semalam barula dapat tengok kingdom of heaven.overall,not bad.it's just that i think orlando bloom is quite kecik and kurus.but i heard that historically, 'balian' tu memang not that hunk,so i guess he's fit fo the character.edward norton as the king baldwin,a very cool man.aku suka tgk salahaddin(ikut org putih hehe),tegas,possess true leader characteristics.sylbilla(betul ke eja ni?),mekap mata dia cantek ahahaha perasan tak muka dia cam gillian andersen?alaaa,dana scully of x-files.watching the movie made me wanted back to dig out the history,i just like history.one of my favorite parts,the scene where they're praying just before the attacks to the city.
back to work bebeh.kewl btul ada study pasal chicken run algo nih =)
now,just wanted to sit here nicely and started writing again,
do my laundry,
cook tomyam and enjoy both eating and tv,
reading story books,
playing civilization and cm..
ish wishing that my ps2's here ++wink++
explore my t1,
looking forward to free fotography lessons and tips,
clean up bilik,yea first thing first
clear those unwanted papers,put aside unnecessary books and notes,
my oh my,finally the exam is over.how would i put it into words?hmm one of the toughest time in my life so far,even bigger than spm aku rasa.8 subjects and it feels like taking pmr again.jap mm pmr was even better hehe
takuutt =P
may the force be wiv me,amin
for us to ponder,
Well I believe there's someone watching over you
They're watching every single thing you say
And when you die they'll set you down and take you through
You'll realise one day that
The grass is always greener on the other side
The neighbours got a new car that you wanna drive
And when time is running out you wanna stay alive
We all live under the same sky
We all will live we all will die
There is no wrong
There is no right
The circle only has one side
We all try hard to live our lives in harmony
For fear of falling swiftly overboard
But life is both a major and a minor key
Just open up the chord
But the grass is always greener on the other side
The neighbours got a new car that you wanna drive
And when time is running out you wanna stay alive
We all live under the same sky
We all will live
We all will die
There is no wrong
There is no right
The circle only has one side
got this from a fren of mine,kinda creepy eh, of this freaks coincidence hehe
baca dulu..
Abraham Lincoln was elected to Congress in 1846.
John F. Kennedy was elected to Congress in 1946.
Abraham Lincoln was elected President in 1860.
John F. Kennedy was elected President in 1960.
Both were particularly concerned with civil rights.
Both wives lost a child while living in the White House.
Both Presidents were shot on a Friday.
Both Presidents were shot in the head.
Now it gets really weird.
Lincoln's secretary was named Kennedy.
Kennedy's Secretary was named Lincoln.
Both were assassinated by Southerners.
Both were succeeded by Southerners named Johnson.
Andrew Johnson, who succeeded Lincol n, was born in1808.
Lyndon Johnson, who succeeded Kennedy, was born in1908.
John Wilkes Booth, who assassinated Lincoln, was born in 1839.
Lee Harvey Oswald, who assassinated Kennedy, was born in 1939.
Both assassins were known by their three names.
Both names are composed of fifteen letters.
Now hang on to your seat
Lincoln was shot at the theater named "Ford."
Kennedy was shot in a car called "Lincoln" made by "Ford."
Booth and Oswald were assassinated before their trials.
And here's the "kicker":
A week before Lincoln was shot, he was in Monroe, Maryland.
A week before Kennedy was shot, he was with Marilyn Monroe.
and Lincoln was shot in a theater and the assassin ran to a warehouse.
Kennedy was shot from a warehouse and the assassin ran to a theater.
"the truth is out there"
i'm down
I know that when you look at me
There's so much that you just don't see
But if you would only take the time
I know in my heart you'd find
A girl who's scared sometimes
Who isn't always strong
Can't you see the hurt in me?
I feel so all alone
I wanna run to you
Won't you hold me in your arms
And keep me safe from harm
I wanna run to you
But if I come to you
Tell me, will you stay or will you run away
Each day, each day I play the role
Of someone always in control
But at night I come home and turn the key
There's nobody there, no one cares for me
What's the sense of trying hard to find your dreams
Without someone to share it with
Tell me what does it mean?
I need you here
I need you here to wipe away my tears
To kiss away my fears
If you only knew how much...
the final's coming:
27/04 - genetic algorithm genetic programming
28/04 - learning from data
29/04 - probabilistic modelling & reasoning
06/05 - applied database
09/05 - data intensive & linguistic
11/05 - reinforcement learning
13/05 - data mining and exploration
14/05 - visualization
err,tongue twisted..
me,best of luck.doa banyak-banyak,fingers crossed
aku, winduuuu!!
p/s: tensennya =(
siang tadi gi naik edin castle for free.more pics uploaded already hehe
ape menda la ni,sapa yang nak kena bangun.baru pukul bape?weh,kata nak gi amik tiket siti,bangunlaaaa la,pukul bape dah ni.oh ya,today we got to catch early tren as we wanted to be at msd by 9,possibly.hehe
travel cam biase,naik tren,then tube sampai bayswater.lepas dapat tiket,we had our breakfast at mesian hall,again.this time i treat myself with nasi lemak and teh tarik.yup,memang sedap.lepas makan,jija went on her own,she refused to follow us to madame tussaud,kata dia nak tunggu don.ok,ok so,three of us left.
first thing first,fareeza wanted to buy her extra memory stick.her 16md can only keep like 10 photos,mana tahan tgk aku amik gamba banyak-banyak akakaka th truth is,i feel a little sori to her,it's my bad.at time she bought her camera,i strongly convinced to her that i got extra memory stick,ko bole pakai aku punya dulu,tape..balik-balik umah je,eh,pasal besar lak aku tgk memory stick ko ni.by de way,she just bought herself a new cybershot,kiterang sekarang adik-beradik cybershot hehehe apparently,hers and mine are'nt same.memang le,memory stick pro dengan memory stick pro duo mana nak sama.aku ni pon satu le,petanda alzheimer?tamo tamo,aku tak perasannn..kalo tak,she could get a not-bad price for 64mb,compared to other shops in tottenham court area which don't sell 64mb anymore.well,it's better for her,bole join aku amik gamba cam orang gile =)
before madame tussaud's,we went first to china town.a kewl place too in london,where u can get most of our cooking stuffs there.even malaysian imported pon ada.i noticed that chinese shops sell more expensive,particularly in edin.mahal,mahal.mentang-mentang kat situ je ada.we bought beehun,kuetiaw(nak bawak balik edin wakakaka) and tomyam paste,nak masak kat jija's place.lepas pusing-pusing sini,masa untuk blah..
i was so enthralled as we were heading to madame tussaud's,and it's still 15 past 2.kiterang were quite suprised as the queue wasn't very long.hehe ada can ni beratur kejap je.dalam 15 mins camtu we're close to the entrance,hehehehe
de minute i entered madame tussaud,then i just realized that how long the queue really was.berbelit-belit,ada macam litar f1 kut.patut ah kat luar tak ramai orang.dah le byk corners,pastu ko dah beratur punya panjang kat bawah,kena beratur naik tangga,then queue lagi until the counter.ya Allah,pening pening.kan senang kalo ko beli online siap2.tp,since aku nak pakai 2 for 1 voucher,u can get from here guys,i had to buy from the counter.pastu price per entry also depends on wat time u come.makin petang,makin murah.bila dah sampai kat tangga kan,kiterang punya turn lak nak gelak-gelakkan 'orang-orang gila' yang lain hahahha jap,that makes us gila too,beratur panjang-panjang sampai sakit kaki semata-mata nak amik gambar dgn patung lilin.but,aku encourage sesapa nak visit madame tussaud especially guna la 2 for 1 voucher,sbb memang seronok.we had fun,kan?!!yang kelakanya,kiterang macam rushing semacam(memang pon),amik gamba cepat-cepat,tp fun fun,aku suka la.
lepas madame tussaud.we were rushing to royal albert hall pasal konsert siti nurhaliza.naik tube from baker street to highstreet kengsinton,aku suka la area ni,bukan sebab dia posh ye.according to people here,tempat ni one of posh places in london la.aku suka sebab jalan dia,architecture bangunan dia,then hyde park yang luas tu.we walked for about 15 minutes kut,muka masing-masing dah penat.kat luar hall tu,ramainya orang..aku pon saja je nak tengok sapa yang ada.terasa la,oh bole tahan ramai mesian kat sini.suprisingly,i bumped into a fren from mesia hehehe managed to catch a glimpse of sultan pahang,ish depan mata je tu..most of london people here are students,aku bukan orang london!and i am glad to be edins'.
how's the concert?some high points that i'd to share:
- she's pretty,ni dari pandangan aku yg agak jauh hehehe
- baju-baju dia,aduhh cantik sih.so sesapa nak kawen tu bole la bole amik idea.sesapa yang mampu,bole la go direct to radzuan radziwill or michael ong(kalo tak silap),hehehe
- the talented,best Asian kept-secret,camtu la Mahathie Lokman cakap.talented,ye.suara dia,memang powerful.that's why she's still numero uno
- english dia,tho there's a bit improvement but it's nerve wrecking for her.kadang-kadang apa dia sebut tu tak jelas sbb dia cover ??maybe maybe tp english aku pon ahahaha sendiri paham-pahamla cuma lagu dia tak familiar sangat
- mujur le dia nyanyi lagu-lagu yang orang familiar,preferable to her old songs
guess that's wrapped up for today.banyak lagi nak share tp if i had more time..i wish hehehe
sori la,london entry ni memang lama aku nak amik masa nak tulis.sbb meself occupy wit something else at de moment, kena la pandai2 curi masa sket.let me start with pagi kamis.pagi khamis kiterang sampai tu,rasa tak larat nak bangun pon ada.penat.tp sebab nak bejalan,bangun le jugak.siap-siap dan we're off to central.
first thing to do is to buy the travel card.kiterang beli kat kedai dekat dgn brunel u. ni,which owns by indian(kut?), and operates by indians too.fareeza belikan tiket untuk aku sekali as she got 20 pound wit her.dia pon kasi.then 2 indians yang jaga kedai ni,seemed reluctant to accept the money, just becos it's not english pound.wat's wrong with scottish pound.i've been informed that scottish pound pon accepted satu uk.kitorang cakap le,that's all money we got.we just arrived here last nite.dengan beratnya dia amik,pastu aku nampak cam dia highlitekan duit tu dengan colorless highlighter.chee,terhina lak aku rasa.terus mood potong,apa ah
after getting ourselves with the travel card,we headed to the bus stop nearby,waiting fo bus.bas pon datang,222.eeh,cam bas intrakota le,color je lain,color merah.lupa nak cakap,harga travel card ni,6 pound.dengarnya baru naik new yr ari tu,last time 5 pound.this card allows u to take trens,tubes,buses and covers all zones,1-6.kiterang naik bas sampai tren statation West Drayton.kiterang naik tren,to Paddington.leila dgn jija pemandu pelancong kite ari ni,so its Piccadily Circus next.kitorang naik tube,Piccadily Line..
piccadily circus junctions
sebaik je klua dari underground stesen tu,aku rasa kagum.sebab ramai orang,crowded dan aku terasa,camni rupanya metroolitan city.setiap menda aku wowkan,buildings,kenderaan yang banyak dan bersesak-sesak,orang yang ramai.tourist pon ramai,aku assume le sebab ramai orang amik gambar kat sini.kenapa nama dia circus?aku rasa kan,sebab architecture buildings dia yang macam membulat,macam circus kan in a round shape.hehe tatau le betul ke tak,tp dr observation aku sini,aku kagum tgk old buildings,nak 'bulatan' yang aku cakap tu hehehe oh ya,kat piccadily circus ni ada satu femes statue,EROS - a pagan god of luv,a bronze fountain topped by a figure of a winged archer.kenapa ye aku telupa nak amik gamba statue nih,aku pon satu la.kat sini ramai orang melepak.pastu kiterang masuk lillewhites,which according to jija n leila,a place where u can get sport stuffs at very good price.tp aku rasa sini lagi murah ahahahahha
then,we began to move to other place?where next?lepas discuss2 kiterang decide nak gi mana.mmm ok kite gi oxford street.so we took a bus to get to oxford.if u decide to enjoy london sightseeings,of course bus is the best option.aku start nampak dah boutiques..oh nak sampai kut.aku turun bas je,zapp in a flash,i saw meself and kenit wen we were in singapore.aku nampak jin, dan ayuz..kitorang merayau2 kat orchard road.becoz wat i saw in oxford street,it reminisced me back to those time..wen we were so excited about sin.masuk satu mall ke mall yang lain.those times dat i missed so much..mmmm
aku sebok nak gi niketown.nak tgk camne niketown yang diperkatakan orang ni.uih,besar bapak,its like a mall.jordan siap ada satu section kat first floor.aku takut-takut berani,sebok nak amik gamba.nak amik gamba kasut sebenanya,nak tunjuk kat awk.ish kalo kenit ada nih,mesti dia senyum,sengih lebar2 sampai telinga.hehe ada j13 sumer color,low cut punya,ada j20 yg ramai org duk tengok-tengok,ada j4..hehe pandai tak aku pasal kasut hehehe ada displayed jersey,memacam..mahal tu memang le mahal,standard ah nike.oh ya,aku dah tau how much is my new idaman kewl nike's sports bra hehehe mahal le
kitorang lapa,jam dah nak pukul 4.so,pemandu pelancong bawak kiterang gi malaysian hall,bayswater.ish seronok,leh makan mesian food,finally.aku duk bincang nak makan apa eh??weh char kuetiaw lama aku tak makan.last time,hari-hari aku dragged kenit gi kj makan char kue tiaw yg diperkenalkan ke aku.hehe pas order,aku dgn fareeza duk balik meja.aku pesan char kuetiaw dgn teh ais.ish slurrpp.all of a sudden,there's sumone there just in front of us and started popping up with these little investigations.pelik dan gelabah gak aku.
uncle(u): ni students ke?
us: aah
u: dr mana ni? (ish muka makin serius je)
us: edinburgh (takut-takut..)
u: datang sini buat apa? (makin menakutkan)
us: errrr,datang visit kawan,datang bejalan
*a little pause*
u: kalau kitorang nak kasi tgk siti,nak tak
us:NAK!NAK! (uih,begitu pantas menjawab akakakakka)
barula that uncle showed us his more frenly looked hehhe
cant believe it,aku dapat opportunity utk gi tgk konsrt tuh.tu la,sapa la letak mahal-mahal lagi.hehe kan bole dapat ke student sengkek cam kitorang nih.terima kasih yaa.rezeki,rezeki esok tgk siti weh.its gonna be 5 of us,jija,leila,azman,fareeza and me la.
pas bayswater,kiterang still lagi discussing the hot topic of de evening,konsert siti nurhaliza tu.to be frank,aku ni biase2 je,anti pon tidak,fanatik pon tidak.kalo kasi scale to 10,barometer kesukaan aku tu leh letak between 6-6.5 over 10.tp lagu dia byk aku layan (alamak,pecah rahsia dehh).
pas merayau seharian,kitorang pon balik ke uxbridge.penat,penat..to be continued
as promised, this entry and the followings are gonna be our fun-trip to london. sungguh semangat wen it comes to travelling.i didn't sleep at all, as part my celebrations of submitting all assignments.apa mau pike pasal outputnya,deh.. chatted de whole nite, since going to leave dearst for the next few days. warying of wat food dat we might 'encounter' (is it appropriate?) during the journey, kiterang decided nak masak. dengan semangatnya aku masak spaghetti goreng express yang ku tapau.just before 0730 in the morning, smiling happily and sleepy-face, aku ngan fareeza gerak dari umah. first bus stop, st. andrew square bus station.
aku igtkan bawak traveller bag ni might be helpful sbb ko tak payah nak sorong-sorong, tp makin seksa adala.less than maybe 15 minutes, aku started feel the burden on my back. we got ourselves seat, and excitedly tunggu bas jalan.weh jalan ah =)
fareeza cakap kat aku,ko jangan nak tido.kite tido dalam bas gi london nanti. ish aku dahle dah start pening-pening lalat nih,tp tape,tahan tahan.aku rasa,by the time we reached glasgow area,kitorang telelap.all of a sudden,eh dah sampai glasgow.hari awal lagi,baru 0900++ ko lapa tak? aah,aku lapa ni.makan je la bekal
nih. maka, kitorang pon gerakle menuju ke satu coffee shop nih, kat lua sejuknya..toksah cakap.aku rasa dalam 6C kut.
couldn't wait any longer,dua orang monsters finished off de bekal
kat luar sejuk, and mostly kedai pon tak bukak lagi. kiterang pon melepak je dalam kedai tu. dengan cuak carik satu spot yang waiter/waitress dalam kedai tu takleh nampak kiterang. dengan plan beli hot choc untuk cover, aku pon membuka bekal tadi.siap ada fried chicken lagi.mau tak berselera. maka, without wasting our precious time, kiterang pon makan dengan tidak menoleh kiri dan kanan lagi.bes bes. ++kenyang deh++
it's nearly 11, we hurried up to the stance where the bus's waiting. ramai rupanya org nak ke london nih. tepat pukul 11,bas pon jalan.bas jalan,aku pon jalan ke alam mimpi dengan pantas sekali. zzzzzzzzzzzz
seingat aku la,bas ni stopped 3 kali.first stop aku turun,nak gi wash room.memang tade idea kat mana dah ni.aku tanya2 fareeza,agaknya kite kat mana? merayau-rayau gak igt nak beli mags, tp sayang duit lak rasanya.aku beli ribena je.
memang sepanjang bas jalan, kiterang tido.aku memang penat, since the last few weeks before nih aku tak cukup tido.atau tido tak betul.sebab i'll stay until 6 or 7 in the morning, aku bangun at 12 camtu.tido bila subuh dah masuk,bangun waktu zohor.this way i won't miss my subuh hehehe mata lebam toksah cakap.aku pon memang dah lebam. ++lebam++
we were getting near to london.oh wat an excitement. this's de first time i set my foot here. waktu datang sini, aku cuma sempat merasa lantai heathrow je. tapi kat luar tu jam, aku tatau kenapa.jam dah dekat pukul 7. oo rupanya ada accident.biase la perangai mesian,mesti ko nak tengok wat was happening out there?teruk ke acident dia?hehe wat i noticed was, we were the only 2 that tried to catch the glimpse of outside. orang lain? relax je. weh nak sampai dah.. ++gayat++
a fren of us waiting in victoria, and sending us straight to uxbridge.aku call jija,weh,aku dah sampai london.misha!!cepat la,kitorang tunggu ko je ni,sumer orang dah ada sini nak makan. jija was the tuan rumah,celebrating leila's belated beday party as well as our arrival,ni dia cakap le.aku dah le memang lapa.sengih2 je as imagining mesian food.
girls having fun
apa ye?penat memang penat.during the 13 hours journey which i counted in from edin as well, all i did was sitting on the bus.bontotku sakit,pinggah lenguh.belakang sakit.penat is de bes word described.tak saba lak aku rasa nak tido.esok bermula la pengembaraan merayau-rayau...
band of de nite "THE BEN"
okeh,this section is dedicated to "THE BEN" who played such incredible medley of their stuffs. meh sini aku kenalkan.
++lead vocalist++pose poyo sket,kasi nampak cam aku ni ganas padahal tak ahahaha
++lead guitar/backup vocal++muka aku ada macam mamat layan jiwang tak?
++rhythm++sesat dari mana tah??sapa ni weh
++bassist++this is de real kewl girl(perasan!).songwriter who doesnt know how to compose.perasan lagi
++drummer++ni pon sesat jugak
assalamualaikum and hey all,
the title itself, does it sound like a subject?hahaha well,get familiar with it cos i'm ur future lecturer. i might not be a-before-30 dr, but how bout before hitting 35?hehe for him that i'll support, wait until my turn for the doctorate lak.
ok ok just got back from london.well,it hasnt been as smooth as we planned,first we missed the bus on tuesday, so had to wait until thurday?why thursday?sbb kitorang dah nak pengsan duk hangkut beg2 berat tu.on the way back to jija's place,me n fareeza,we're laughing histerically(pathetic tak?) as we call the day as from uxbridge to uxbridge guys, u don't get it,do u? tape tape hanya orang yg mengalaminya je yang paham, like me and fareeza hahaha
places that i'll include are such as: piccadily circus, oxford street, malaysian hall, madame tussaud and many more. some got nice pics,some dont..some are historic places,some are just buildings that dari kaca mata aku, i found it 'something'.some are london's attraction places, some are just nice..
p/s: happy belated to me wehee!!
guys,me off to london hehe taking a short break jap before exam starts..
p/s:i wanna run to u.wud u me hold me in ur arms.and keep me safe from harm..
now,it's closing to end of term.life after this:
- no more classed to attend..dulu malas,pasni gonna miss my lectures walopon aku ni ada le beberapa kali ponteng..deh
- no more tutorials that're really torturing.sebab apa sebab pemalu sangat nak cakap.ada emas dalam mulut aku ni weh akakakka
- no more labs-tade dah lepak lab sangat kut hehe
- no more hectic life due to tons of assignments
my exam's starting 27/4-14/5.nanti aku upload jadual akakaka kasi beringat sket.yg pasti,gonna miss my short term being a student here..wat a 'life'!
my assignments due next week:
- 21/3 - reinforcement learning Assignment 2
- 24/3 - data mining and exploration major assignment
- 25/3 - xml major assignment
And if we turn, Then we might learn, Learn to turn
ish..geramnya aku.aku ada order text book,tp never reach me.last time,i got my order on time, i was hepy and satisfaction guaranteed.
let me start as i'm taking u back to 2 months ago.my bad,sebab dah masuk kelas baru duk sebok2 carik buku texts.library memang jgn diharap sangat,buku semua org dah pinjam dan tanak pulang.yela,ko bole pinjam 3 bulan,siap bole renew lagi.why i wanted this book so bad?because i believe that from a book u can get everything.just read it,and then u'll turn into a knowledgeable person.sebab tu aku rasa,selagi aku tak baca sumer2 menda ni,i still have hope to score akakakakkakaa perasan!
ok,ok nak citer la ni.i would say that books here cost u dearly,very expensive especially wen u convert it back to rm.adeh,buku ai russel norvig(sesapa,this book is really an ai kitab,must have ok!) kat sini cost u approximately 40 pound.dehh..aku beli kat itm dulu rm60.lain la kalo kat mesia harganya rm200..zrett citer,last time aku beli 60 pound..adeh lagi!!
pstu waktu aku tgh browse buku online,aku mendapati(chewah) amazon doesnt really offer cheap,cheap price.infact buku kat us murah aku rasa,even after u add the postage.but u have u to deal with another obstacle if u want things cheaper kan,u've got to pay the price!masalah masa beb masa..esp wen u r desperate,cam aku nih.kalo uk-uk ko order ari ni,ko dpt esok.kalo us-uk ko order ari ni,ko dapat errr beberapa bulan kot,depends pada berapa cepat ko nak.lagi cepat,lagi mahal le..
cut it short.pas aku order,aku budget dalam 2 minggu aku leh dapat,which is i think i can tolerate.tp,pas 2 minggu tak sampai,pas 3 minggu tak sampai,pas sebulan tak sampai apa citer..aku pon emel le tanya..ada le gak 2-3 kali emel derang ni,mana buku aku??!finally this one i got yesterday:
wow!seksa 1 dah abis ari ni.straight to the point,it's about my presentation.i started well,quite well i think,tp towards the end,mm ada problem sket here and there.maybe sebab changes to the contents couple of times..
another seksa was when the question session.darn,sampai chris william kena turun nak terangkan some stuffs.guess that we didnt answered as he wanted it shud be.for me,this experience is very rare to get.aku rasa,untuk impress orang macam dr chris nih,tak senang.do u must be really damn good?at least la aku rasa,u must have certain parts to tackle and nail it in front of him..
what i've been tru past last 2 weeks wasnt really good.didn't get enuff sleep,ya.skip makan sebab tak balik-balik,ya gak.mmm tak workout (irrelevant!),ya.depressive mood,ya.morally down,ya..miss home,ya lagi.wat's wrong with me?
sumtimes,there're many things,wandering inside.aku jadi tak tekeja!dun be darling,chill!
You Are 30% Left Brained, 70% Right Brained |
this friday i'm going to present a paper,with my grupmets whom both are chinese.scary jugak sebab lama dah tak present in front.jap,i just had one project presentation last semester and it went quite ok.time tu,lagi la..in front of course lecturer,one english guy and 2 greeks guys..tp this time it wont be same,because it's more theoritical and challenging stuffs.as usual(i was always be de first one kut,jap..ke azan?it was so fun back then,the younger version of me,kenit,jin,azan ahaha) ok,i'll be the first one,the person who's gonna introduce the members and the presentation:
hari ni snow turun lagi.dari tingkap bilik aku ni,lebat..aku malas nak klua lagi,sebab sejuk oo kat luar tu.tapi memang cantik,putih je hehe this means that winter gonna end soon,as spring's approaching..tade sejuk sangat.sunny days,where haf u been?siang will be longer,malam plak pendek..bila lagi aku nak merasa ni sumer..mmm
snow's falling
hope snow's falling fo de whole day.aku nak main snow lagi..
biasela kawan-kawan aku ni,kalau tak spam tak sah.but,one of my 'unintentionally' emels today shocked me a bit.the title itself made me read first,kalau tak selalunya kena delete le hehe.i was so eager to look at the attachments as i scrolled down very fast.nah!macam apa ye?lelaki yang memakai selapis kulit tiruan gamaknya.
the Q which keep playing in my head,how?how?how?one of his quote that catched my attention--> "Mengandung adalah perasaan yang sangat indah. Ini adalah satu pengalaman yang harus dirasai oleh lelaki dan perempuan sebelum mereka mati."
Auw,aku tak terharu..
those who are interested,u can klik here
latest updates:
Gym activity
first i think dat i've gained some kgs.wondering where's de extras came from?my goal--> 1.trim my tummy hehe. 2.maintain current weight
moral kenapa la orang kurus cam aku ni tetiba jadi weight-concious?isshh
can't really say,need to keep up with everything..6 assigments by end of march..*sighing*
Social life
i dont really get along with my coursemates/classmates.tetiap hari pegi balik kelas.all i could say that my housemates,and some malaysians are my only frens.i think that i dont really seize the opportunity to mingle with everybody.so i have this new azam,to befriend with everybody hahaha apa la,kata nak brush up my english-speaking skills.let see what i can achieve in the next few months..miss him so much le =(
shud save some*full-stop*
Selamat Menyambut Awal Muharam 1426.Moga tahun baru ni bawa keberkatan, murah rezeki dan kerahmatan untuk semua.
Untuk aku,aku nak tambah resolutions baru,since aku pon tade pape azam awal tahun 2005 hari tu.Kenapa eh?ntah aa,aku cam telupa sebab selalunya tahun baru kan orang celebrate besar-besaran,tp due to tsunami disasters tu,all celebrations've been cancelled out.Yang penting,kita nak improve dan achieve sumthing,above all aku nak jadi sumbody yang lebih baik dari semalam.
My TOP 10 list:
1.Aku nak lebih concentrate dan rajin-rajinkan diri.Work harder!
2.Mesti dapatkan MSc dengan good result,hehe
3.Wanna luv myself more,so that I can luv people who luv me even more..
4.Jadi anak yang lebih baik
5.Layan awak dengan lebih baik,make his life happier n merrier..i'll be luving u to the fullest!
6.Nak jaga solat..
7.Nak merayau Europe..aku mau ke italy,spain juga mesti..
8.Speaks better english hehehehe
9.Better programmer
10. Err simpan duit?
Simpan duit untuk travel??suppose simpan duit untuk masa depan,mana le tau nak kawen ke kan hehehe ke simpan duit nak shopping?ish,pantang klua aku tgk barang je dan beli..apa laa
lately i huv a new habit of tracking back old malay songs,download and sing!!so much joy last time.kekadang bila ko rasa depress, or wen u feel blu,singing and laughing are good combinations..tak kira la even ada org kata sore aku tak bes..
i could be aisyah,misha omar,m nasir or even siti nurhaliza in one nite akakaka m.nasir's stuffs memang bes!!m nasir's kembara rocks!!(yela,waktu tu aku kecik lagi) indon's lagi le aku layan,hehehe.wat's the latest now?
tp kan,normally i's started feeling bored just after few days.guess i need to get rid of my collections first..oit,buat keje la!!
this weekend we've another trip to a not-so-far place from home,arthur's seat.situated in the heart of edinburgh city centre, this hill attracts many nature lovers,hill climbers,grups of health concious people as well as tourists.guess that we fall into temporarily-edinburghs hehehe
mesti ada orang questionedkan tentang kerajinan aku dalam pembelajaran,aik tetiap minggu sakan je jalan.hahaha well take this as an exercise routine to stay in a good shape coz i'm telling that living here makes me gaining weights.manakan tidak,cold weather expedites the process of starvation.makan,makan dan makan.then,aku cuma ada exercise bukak duvet dan cuba memummykan diri secukup-cukupnya,sejooookkk..not anymore guys,i've started joining uni's gym hehehe

nearly-end-of-winter campaign from dunhill


hey,mana mao lari??

ok,now it's time to get back to keje..duh,penah sih! ciao
it's been a very long time dat i didnt enjoyed a really good tennis match.this time around,no fav players for me.i couldnt see where is juan carlos ferrero,no myskina as well as she was stumbled earlier before even reaching quarter finals.justine henin hardenne,she's still battling fo her recovery i guess.i enjoy it simply becos of tennis-luvs.
how can i forget the passions and dreams as a little girl?hehehe i think i was so desperate of becoming a tennis player hahaa dahle pendek,kecik camne nak main?dats some of popular ques dat i received wenever i,proudly and ambitiously told others.admitted here,this height of mine becomes one of the deficits but this little girl has her own big dream u kno.i can play tho, but kinda lazy player as told hahaha *grins*
ait,back to wat is my mainly intention here.hail to marat safin,finally he fought his way back to become the aussie champion after 2 times losing in finals.my respect also goes to lleyton hewitt as he zealously chased for every balls and for not losing his spirit.err the truth is,i dont really like aussie players..
for more stories
on his way to be crowned
taken from yahoo sports,thank you very much
i just browse my frenster when i saw this one interesting-not-so-facts..hehe
The birth date describes who we are, what we are good at and what our inborn abilities are. It also points to what we have to learn and the challenges we are facing. To figure out your Birth Number, add all the numbers in the birth date together like in the example until there is only one digit. The Birth Number does not prevent you from being anything you want it will just color your choice differently.
You are the:
2's are the born diplomats. They are aware of others' needs and moods and often think
of others before themselves. Naturally analytical and very intuitive they don't like to be alone. Friendship and companionship is very important and can lead them to be successful in life, but on the other hand they'd rather be alone than in an uncomfortable relationship. Being naturally shy they should learn to boost their self-esteem and express themselves freely and seize the moment and not put things off.
Famous 2's: President Bill Clinton, Madonna, Whoppie Goldberg, Thomas Edison, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Dr.Hasniza(biasa la,perasann!)
well,does it ideally described meself?
whenever i'm missing u,so much.. =(

*stuck on Pompeii*

it's skiing season!
for us,this opportunity is the first time ever in our-till-now life to go skiing.maybe lepas ni tade dah.yela,antara faktor-faktornya such as masa,duitnya(trip ni took me 41 pound),and its seasonal..kalau ikutkan plan asal,aku miss the trip,pasal aku tade sini.unfortunate for the first trip last 8th jan,snow tak cukup tebal untuk membolehkan aktiviti skiing.hehe sedih..then the organizer scheduled for yesterday's one.lucky me
ok,from the beginning it goes.kitorang bangun awal smalam,around 5 something.siap-siap.a nite before tu aku dah goreng beehun,hehe lagipon startving so dinner counted in.sepanjang friday n saturday tu,aku duk mengadap beehun je,even sampai umah semalam pon makan beehun yang reheat lagi.ok,kitorang sampai kat bus stop(which is depan umah),dalam 0635 pagi,we have to be there at appleton tower 0645.punya la awal,punyala semangat kitorang untuk bangun pegi main ski!
muka baru bgn tido hehe tunggu bas 0635
sepanjang dalam bas,nothing much to story.hari pon still gelap,aku tak lama after we passed the forth bridge went asleep.then,around 9 camtu,kitorang arived at Scottish Sports Ski as we supposed to pick up equipments.As my name isnt in the first list,I huv to wait until those-in-list got their stuffs.On the other hand,Fareeza and Zam wanted to change their boots, it's hurting,they say. Aku pon try saja je try kasut Fareeza and it seems fine with me.Lepas settle dengan kasut,aku amik slope and headed back to bus.Pastu aku sewa glove sekali - 2.50 pound.Then,at 10 kitorang heading to Glenshee.
me trying to fit into boots,adeh
these taken outside of the shop
20 minutes after that,we arrived at Glenshee Ski Centre.Immediately we were instructed to put on boots and carried on our ski equipments.What an exercise!Sakit jugak le lengan aku angkut menda alah ni,dah le panjang and u need to be careful or otherwise u'll struck into somebody's eyes or face,haha Once we gathered in front of the centre,we were divided into grups and one assigned instructor.Our instructor is Lindsay,she's so nice and funny.This one habit of hers,she barely remember names and all of sudden,she calls u with watever came across her.For an instance,Tinkerbell.Sweet eh,but she called this one guy Tinkerbell.Tak sesuai but it sounds funny.Wonder wat she would call me hehehe Tak ku sangka,aku punya bakat tersembunyi akakaka
The ski lesson was fun.We ski,we fell.Sejuk tu memangle sejuk,tapi bole tahan.Rasanya Edin kekadang lagi sejuk.Because wat makes Edin colder is becoz of strong,cold winds from Upper side?hahaha merepek.I fell in love with skiing instanty.Jika punya masa dan opportunity, I wanna buy the pass and take the ride to upper hill.Pass is expensive,as being told by others.How does it feel to visit the other famous ski places in Europe.Ayah aku cakap,Scotland is merely femes for its ski activities,unlike in France,Italy,Switzerland,Norway kerana Banjaran Alps.one day,one day..
We had lunch for an hour,tapi biase la,kalau Melayu tu,Malay we are,so that our promise hahaha We had our beehun goreng,I bought baked potato with tuna(potato freak i am),and ribena and hot chocs.Poor Fareeza,dia tumpahkan air dia sendiri.Then came in budak-budak Heriot Wat,as well as Kak Ayu and Lulu.Dah kenyang,sambung lesson.Ha,this is the proper time to snap some with Lindsay..see below
me n lindsay
Just before we finish the lesson,Lindsay and Hardley wanted us to race in grups.Most of members in my grup fell,including me.Waktu aku,I was leading quite far before falling just a few inches from the line.Bila race dah abis,baru aku perasan,kitorang punya track ada batu dan tak sekata.Jadi bila turun tu,dia jadi laju dan susah untuk control which end up us falling.ye ke?this ain't an excuse hehehe
taking a break jap
i guess its time to get to the bus.hari dah makin gelap.lepas amik gamba,aku pon saja la nak skiing sket-sket lagi,yela bila lagi nak datang dan skiing lagi.aku tengok seronok je budak-budak ni main tepi lereng.aku pon nak join la.ops,aku terasa aku nak langgar batu,dan try nak elak but landed on another bigger one.adeh,sakitnya..aku rasa kalo tak ramai orang dan tanya-tanya aku sakit ke tak,mau mengalir air mata kut..terus aku ucap bubye kat skiing ari tu..sedih je ending.summore memang dah penat..
nak balik dah ni
then.we leave nearly to 5.sumer org senyap,agaknya masuk bas je terus tido.singgap balik kat shop memula tadi,return our equipments,n heading back to edin.sampai kat appleton pukul 7.singgah beli ayam dan balik umah naik bas.aku rasa tak laratnya nak menghayun kaki demi kaki balik umah.kalaula ada orang leh dukung,kan bes hehehe
p/s:awak,bes la.next time kita pegi eh
me:a yea day for me,really enjoy this trip.kudos!!
more pics at my fotopages