introduction to London Trip

Saturday, April 09, 2005

assalamualaikum and hey all,

the title itself, does it sound like a subject?hahaha well,get familiar with it cos i'm ur future lecturer. i might not be a-before-30 dr, but how bout before hitting 35?hehe for him that i'll support, wait until my turn for the doctorate lak.

ok ok just got back from london.well,it hasnt been as smooth as we planned,first we missed the bus on tuesday, so had to wait until thurday?why thursday?sbb kitorang dah nak pengsan duk hangkut beg2 berat tu.on the way back to jija's place,me n fareeza,we're laughing histerically(pathetic tak?) as we call the day as from uxbridge to uxbridge guys, u don't get it,do u? tape tape hanya orang yg mengalaminya je yang paham, like me and fareeza hahaha

places that i'll include are such as: piccadily circus, oxford street, malaysian hall, madame tussaud and many more. some got nice pics,some dont..some are historic places,some are just buildings that dari kaca mata aku, i found it 'something'.some are london's attraction places, some are just nice..


p/s: happy belated to me wehee!!

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