Glenshee-the ski trip

Sunday, January 23, 2005

it's skiing season!

for us,this opportunity is the first time ever in our-till-now life to go skiing.maybe lepas ni tade dah.yela,antara faktor-faktornya such as masa,duitnya(trip ni took me 41 pound),and its seasonal..kalau ikutkan plan asal,aku miss the trip,pasal aku tade sini.unfortunate for the first trip last 8th jan,snow tak cukup tebal untuk membolehkan aktiviti skiing.hehe sedih..then the organizer scheduled for yesterday's one.lucky me

ok,from the beginning it goes.kitorang bangun awal smalam,around 5 something.siap-siap.a nite before tu aku dah goreng beehun,hehe lagipon startving so dinner counted in.sepanjang friday n saturday tu,aku duk mengadap beehun je,even sampai umah semalam pon makan beehun yang reheat lagi.ok,kitorang sampai kat bus stop(which is depan umah),dalam 0635 pagi,we have to be there at appleton tower 0645.punya la awal,punyala semangat kitorang untuk bangun pegi main ski!
muka baru bgn tido hehe tunggu bas 0635

sepanjang dalam bas,nothing much to story.hari pon still gelap,aku tak lama after we passed the forth bridge went asleep.then,around 9 camtu,kitorang arived at Scottish Sports Ski as we supposed to pick up equipments.As my name isnt in the first list,I huv to wait until those-in-list got their stuffs.On the other hand,Fareeza and Zam wanted to change their boots, it's hurting,they say. Aku pon try saja je try kasut Fareeza and it seems fine with me.Lepas settle dengan kasut,aku amik slope and headed back to bus.Pastu aku sewa glove sekali - 2.50 pound.Then,at 10 kitorang heading to Glenshee.

me trying to fit into boots,adeh
these taken outside of the shop

20 minutes after that,we arrived at Glenshee Ski Centre.Immediately we were instructed to put on boots and carried on our ski equipments.What an exercise!Sakit jugak le lengan aku angkut menda alah ni,dah le panjang and u need to be careful or otherwise u'll struck into somebody's eyes or face,haha Once we gathered in front of the centre,we were divided into grups and one assigned instructor.Our instructor is Lindsay,she's so nice and funny.This one habit of hers,she barely remember names and all of sudden,she calls u with watever came across her.For an instance,Tinkerbell.Sweet eh,but she called this one guy Tinkerbell.Tak sesuai but it sounds funny.Wonder wat she would call me hehehe Tak ku sangka,aku punya bakat tersembunyi akakaka

The ski lesson was fun.We ski,we fell.Sejuk tu memangle sejuk,tapi bole tahan.Rasanya Edin kekadang lagi sejuk.Because wat makes Edin colder is becoz of strong,cold winds from Upper side?hahaha merepek.I fell in love with skiing instanty.Jika punya masa dan opportunity, I wanna buy the pass and take the ride to upper hill.Pass is expensive,as being told by others.How does it feel to visit the other famous ski places in Europe.Ayah aku cakap,Scotland is merely femes for its ski activities,unlike in France,Italy,Switzerland,Norway kerana Banjaran day,one day..

We had lunch for an hour,tapi biase la,kalau Melayu tu,Malay we are,so that our promise hahaha We had our beehun goreng,I bought baked potato with tuna(potato freak i am),and ribena and hot chocs.Poor Fareeza,dia tumpahkan air dia sendiri.Then came in budak-budak Heriot Wat,as well as Kak Ayu and Lulu.Dah kenyang,sambung lesson.Ha,this is the proper time to snap some with Lindsay..see below
me n lindsay

Just before we finish the lesson,Lindsay and Hardley wanted us to race in grups.Most of members in my grup fell,including me.Waktu aku,I was leading quite far before falling just a few inches from the line.Bila race dah abis,baru aku perasan,kitorang punya track ada batu dan tak sekata.Jadi bila turun tu,dia jadi laju dan susah untuk control which end up us ke?this ain't an excuse hehehe

taking a break jap Posted by Hello

i guess its time to get to the bus.hari dah makin gelap.lepas amik gamba,aku pon saja la nak skiing sket-sket lagi,yela bila lagi nak datang dan skiing lagi.aku tengok seronok je budak-budak ni main tepi lereng.aku pon nak join la.ops,aku terasa aku nak langgar batu,dan try nak elak but landed on another bigger one.adeh,sakitnya..aku rasa kalo tak ramai orang dan tanya-tanya aku sakit ke tak,mau mengalir air mata kut..terus aku ucap bubye kat skiing ari tu..sedih je ending.summore memang dah penat..
nak balik dah ni

then.we leave nearly to 5.sumer org senyap,agaknya masuk bas je terus tido.singgap balik kat shop memula tadi,return our equipments,n heading back to edin.sampai kat appleton pukul 7.singgah beli ayam dan balik umah naik bas.aku rasa tak laratnya nak menghayun kaki demi kaki balik umah.kalaula ada orang leh dukung,kan bes hehehe

p/s:awak,bes time kita pegi eh
me:a yea day for me,really enjoy this trip.kudos!!
more pics at my fotopages

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