aku kira minggu ni adalah the doom for barcelona, as in barcelona fc dan juga the city. hari ahad recently barcelona was the home for f1 after 3 weeks abroad, they went back to europe. home boy hero nampaknya tidak dapat fulfill harapan, enjin tebakar plak.
then semalam akan menyaksikan all english clubs final nampaknya tahun ni. barca failed to finish when there's a few clinical chances dan attacks yang bertali arus. tade rezeki le tu. towards the end the hubby dengan berianya predict akan ada penalty. aku dah malas nak tengok sangat, sebab aku rasa penalty tu macam berharap kereta lewis hamilton meletop atau dia buat lawak bodoh haram ke tapi takkan jadi punya.
sebenanya pon, i am no big fan of barcelona mahupon f1. sekadar peneman the hubby tengok tv atau saje seronok kasi dia panas atau join dia mengutuk. contohnya mengutuk itu budak lewis atau man u atau christiano ronaldo muahahahaa
another heartbreaks for the hubby, suns tak lepas lagi, again di tangan spurs. sori ye awk. eh, dia ada lakers n celtics lagi.tadela frust sangat tuu.
this article i got from goal, who is juve player of the season. sapekah yang anda vote?
1. gianluigi buffon
2. giorgio chiellini
3. mauro camoranesi
4. alessandro del piero
5. david trezeguet
my vote goes to il capitano alessandro del piero. bukanlah sebab dia hero aku, tapi sebab season ni jatuh bangun juve pon banyak disebabkan faktor del piero. tu mesti sebab struggle nak impress donadoni tuu. aku tau historically bila dia main utk italy not as impressive as when he represents juve. alaa tak yahla aku citer lebih-lebih, takkan laa orang tatau ye tak.
the hubby mesti kata aku poyo, aku tau
Saya, ialah the Official Menteri Perancangan Pelancongan di kabinet, di bawah kepimpinan Yang Berhormat Dato' Seri Effirul aka Dato' Kenit aka Dato' Aini Taib (playground nick bola dia)
My portfolio is quite impressive, I'd say. Milan, Paris, London, New York sapa tatau ni ialah world femes fashion home. Tadela most of the listed tempat tu aku mana penah pegi, saje je letak. Banyak jugak cuti-cuti Mesia telah diusulkan tapi terpaksa direject due to time and budget constraints.
My strength is when it comes to trip planning and optimization. My kryptonite plak ialah financial planning and shopping.
Tahun ni nampaknya aku kena sediakan 2 kertas kerja sebab ada 2 major projeks, mungkin 3 tapi the latter tu samar-samar lagi. Adakah merasa untuk mengendeng ke international conference/workshop tahun ni? Mari kita lihat jengjengjeng
no plans yet. mind mapping sesaja
cornwall brighton cambridge durdle door bath bristol oxford london portsmouth arundel castle windsor castle botanical park bicester village weymouth plymouth poole bournemouth
kita mulakan at 9 dengan reaper. since ada drama adegan aku-nak-ko-dari-dulu tapi ko tamo, then aku ada awek tetiba ko kata be cautious and love confession plak, tapi disebabkan aku the reaper dan becos of love aku put your safety on the top of list, menjadikan plot yang makin kompleks lalu aku a bit more curious.
next is the big bang theory, the tv siri. as the title suggests so dats wat you'd expect from the siri, comical geeky and nerdy. suprisingly lawak and wit. if you're expecting and hoping for eye pleasure, tade sangat kot muahahahaa
kesiannya the little missy demam-demam..
kan ari tu baru je aku mention yang rasa tak bape sehat ketika spring menjelang, ni che aaqilah kita punya turn plak. lately dia selsema, semalam memang berair je hidung. towards malam badan dia mula panas-panas. jadi kiterang kasi makan ubat. the result, dia sket punya sehat and main sampai pukul 5 pagi huhuhu..
pagi ni aku baru sejam kat opis when all of a sudden the hubby message mintak balik. katanya aaqilah dah sejam nangis. aku pon terus turned everything off, tulis note kat clive dan cabut. sampai umah dia baru je fell asleep tapi bingkas bangun bila tengok maa dia sampai. terus nak susu.
the hubby citer aku klua je dia bangun dan terus ke pintu nangis-nangis suh ayah dia berdiri kat pintu. lepas tu ajak klua carik aku le agaknya. dahle tak sehat campo baru je tido bape jam tu ish ish. aku ingat dia akan tido pengsan tapi camne bole bangun tuu. agaknya kadang-kadang nampak ayah dia or maa dia tinggalkan dia kat umah buatkan dia takut kena tinggal. sampaikan kita yang masuk toilet pon dia bole menjerit-jerit aiyooo
the little missy bila tak sehat nih sungguh manja sekali..
sapa nak bid farewell? definately not our turn yet.
nampaknya musim-musim orang nak balik ke mesia for good sekarang nih. this coming sabtu ada satu family akan pulang, one of the most friendliest and most senior le bole kata. next week will be following with more families including adik anom, anim. musim datang, ramai-ramai datang. musim balik, one by one they're going huhuhu sedih tak sedih laa..
aku pon baru berkesempatan dan lately mengaktifkan diri sket-sket setelah 2 tahun 1/2 ni jadi ahli tido.
after 3 to 5 years spent here, how does it feel going back home? excited ke, nervous ke, sedih ke, tak sanggup ke, rindu ke..
personally orang yang nak masuk tahun ke-empat duk sini, masa dewasa aku mostly spent sini. masa mula-mula berfamily kat sini. somehow aku rasa dah agak settle down. kalu the hubby kerja, and then we have a proper home yang bukan pindah every year, and probably we have car, then aku rasa memang agak settle down. cam ada sorang member kiterang cakap, dia rasa tak settle down jugak sebabnya family tade. ye btul, family tade itula yang jadi incomplete.
aku tau aku selalu bitchin duduk sini tade la bes sangat. tapi dari tak bes sangat dan bosan sini sana, dah nak 4 tahun masa berlalu. nanti hidup yang tak bes ni jugak diingat-ingat.. *enter the pondering mode*
bencinya kalu kena selsema during spring!
pelik gak, waktu sejuk-sejuk winter itu hari alhamdulillah ok je. tade le selsema menyinggah atau demam melanda. aku rasa sebab pertukaran musim. dari sejuk kering ke humidity level yang tinggi sket. mana taknya, sukati je nak hujan pastu tak sampai 5 minit dah matahari terang benderang. atau rare occasion, snow in april. asyik blow je sampai sakit kepala dah ni..
smalam ada makcik cleaner yang baik hati menghadiahkan aku sekotak tisu. tq makcik..balik kang sapu vicks laaa.
i've been told dat i'll be given more responsibilities on the bisness side. clive wanted more of my involvement in the process development and i should be able to answer questions of any of the processes, and i should expect it'll happen anytime soon.
dat's what i've been doing this week, reading documents. tedious and mundane, ntah bape persen je masuk kepala apa lagi nak paham. since clive is away, hence the project office somehow is mine muahahahaha
toad kata, "bila nak main saya?" wehehehehe aaqilah plak kata,"i want one, the big big one", without directly saying it but instead she pulled the humongous one she saw..
dearest XXXXXX a.k.a self proclaimed miss-jiwang-today,
listening to those weepy songs i think to certain extent it's a good theraphy. help you to be stronger. help you to decide. kadang-kadang can lift up the mood, kadang-kadang it makes you sinking deeper.
dengar, layan, fikir, and move on.. amin..
help me!! please
i can't think straight. i can't work properly. macam mandi tak basah, tido tak lena, makan tak kenyang. is it that bad or am i just exaggerating =)
my latest cravings, pastries particularly desserts. a few weeks ago while we're in porstmouth, there's a french market promoting food, groceries and some home goods. kebetulan. the hubby and i went hopping from one gerai to another looking for something good until we stopped at this one pakcik selling pastries. to be honest myself not fond of french food but is pastries their speciality? the probality is there because in yakitate japan, kazuma azuma and the gang (kawachi and suwabara kai) went to paris to have a special training on pastry culinaries for world tournament. and then, the biggest and busiest boulangerie in the whole world is in paris and actually located just accross the shop they had the training.
apa laa, melalut. when we had the first glimpse on the food, hmm not bad. aku seluk poket ada sket duit. and the pakcik was actually french and all of a sudden i became speechless and blank. bukannya apa, i was trying very hard to recall my incomplete french lessons especially numbers. yo yo oo btul laa. i got mixed up with italian. tres bien tres bien. by the way, the pastries memang layan. crispy, fresh and i became intoxicated even until now. we came later for second round and continued the munching in the train to soton.
i had lemon curd tart. the hubby lak raspberry ape eh, cam croissant berjamkan raspberry. aduuhhh.. lepas aku rasa the hubby punya, uih scrumptious-nya..donut pon ada gak tp aku rasa pastry and tart far better.. masih aku teringat akan ke-crispy-an kulit tart cuma the masam-ness level of lemon curd tu agak tinggi. mujur the sweetness tu ada jadi agak balance.
mana nak dapat ni, i want just like we had from the french market. for the speedy cure, krispy kreme pon ok jugak muahahahahaa
last monday was my bday. since we're travelling, i couldn't blog. my hp or mobile is out of credit, i couldn't replied to any wishes. neways, tq so much for wishes and doa sumer. the dad called for bday wish. i could sensed his suprise when he found out that we're somewhere in swindon hehehe. ayah, wish saje ke muahahahaa
frankly speaking,i am always in clueless mode whenever people ask, wat do u want? err what do i really want? probably i am a type of person who doesn't know what she wants. aku envy btul orang yang tau apa dia nak. awk nak apa? nak handbag. nak bracelet. nak romantik dinner.
but i think that's the problem with bday present. it's because people want it to be something suprising and extraordinary. i tend to buy people present that i like, not to people's liking. ego-maniac,duh.. yea, bday present should be meaningful and the message should convey directly. watever the hubby gets me on my bday always a pleasing one, the important thing is that i know he works and thinks hard for it. eh orang dah kasi byk cakap plak dia nih. tak kesah laa apa dia kan. just remember, money doesn't grow on trees and stuffs don't come cheap. and the biggest message of all messages (i pray sampai bila-bila)..love u bby and happy bday.semoga panjang umo and kita tua besama-sama.aaqilah and ayah always give maa all the joy the world could bring
electronic gadgets and guys, works like a charm.
sekarang ini tidaklah lagi bermain game di henpon, tidak perlu lagi tetido ketika commuting, kerana peneman always by my side =D
ada satu trivia game yang the hubby suka layan particularly dengan partner-in-game dia, a.k.a wong.
memula aku noticed derang ni waktu becerita tetiba masukkan quotes atau scenes dari friends dan teka-meneka. sampaikan masing-masing claimed kalu main friends trivia mesti team effirul dan team wong sesama fight. tapi aku rasa sekarang ni dah makin melarat-larat sampaikan beyond friends. apa saje bole..
contohnya, derang ni tengah gebang pasal ntah apa kemenda atau mengarut laa. dari citer bola ke citer-citer mesia, then artis mana laa, lepas tu movie, lepas tu citer serius sket and so on and on. tiba-tiba ntah camne derang citer pasal afdlin shauki dan kemeleretan pon bermula. masalahnya derang ni tiba-tiba, so kalu ko bole catch up bole laa layan gelak. otherwise u'll be left quizzical.
masing-masing tengah reminiscing dengar lagu lama wings..tiba-tiba somebody started the conversion as an attempt to make things lively.
awie ni keje kat kedai sushi..bos dia lepas bankrap bukak kedai tu..
yela,lepas dia frust erra kawen lain..
afdlin lak lepas dah dapat co bos awie dia plak gi bankrapkan sampai papa kedana, lepas tu tejumpa balik kat kedai sushi..
weh dia pon becinta gak dgn erra le..
lepas tu dia nak kat nasha aziz tapi nasha aziz nak kat hattan..
hattan rupanya ada awek lain, dah le dia takut pas jumpa mak nasha..
menci aku kalu derang dah start, nanti gelak dua-dua je and then the game goes endless. lepas tu aku pon kena gelak sama sebab tak paham.. jadi kalu nak join derang gelak, be prepared and get them puzzled plak next time hehehehe
hari ni baru je masuk opis after 2 days off. senin tu memang awal-awal lagi dah inform yang aku nak amik off, yang selasa tu plak last minute. ada ka dah pukul 10 pagi baru tehegeh-hegeh call opis kata tak sehat? tak larat beb nak bangun, mata pon tak daya nak bukak huhuhu
cek emel je dah beratur masuk, sakit kepala..
kenapa balik dari holiday je bukan semangat baru yang poyo-poyo tapi makin malas dan mengantuk tido. holiday mode surely is a hard work to shed it off
lawak dan kes malu. hari ni officially 2 kali aku gi refund duit yang stuck kat vending machine.
kes pertama. aku gatal-gatal nak roti lain padahal dah amik lepas tu letak balik cinnamon roll yang aku selalu beli.
kes kedua also kes hari ni. bila left/right keys tu were'nt properly adjusted, maka pintu slot takleh bukak.kena laa call dan amik refund.
logiknya straight forward je. once pintu slot opens, duit terus amik. tak kira le pintu bole bukak penuh ke tak, atau ko decide nak letak balik roti dan amik other food, sebab machine tu takkan tau. paham tak??
nampaknya aaqilah ni tamo cakap sangat melainkan bahasa dia sendiri. macam-macam vocabs kiterang duk ajar tapi dia sengih-sengih je atau tutup mulut rapat-rapat. tapi baru-baru ni aku dengar, aaqi..lah, aaqi..lah.. nak address diri sendiri ye..
sekarang kemain aktif tamo duduk baik-baik dalam stroller dia unless tido. nak jalan sendiri, tamo pegang tangan dan pandai tolak tangan orang yang pegang. maka during recent holiday, aaqilah dapatla satu benjol dan calar kat pipi akibat jatuh. itupon tak serik, kejap je dia dah lupa sakit tu agaknya. mak aku cakap, camne le jaga anak nih huhuhuhu
tape tape after ni aaqilah akan diikat
MORAL OF THESE STORIES: tade signifikasi pon hehehehe
one year older than yesterday. doa, wish dan tiup lilin... aminn
we're replacing our nearly 3 yr old kettle with a new one. kenapa? durability reason. it seems that plastic body inside can't stand the heat from continuous and strenous functioning. macam menggelupas and mix with water. filter must be put all the time. tapi kan aku rasa, dah lama aku minum plastik kut huhuhu
recently, i saw this one ad on tv, dan macam menarik, at least it got me. jadi aku pun cek out laa the price and apparently not cheap as i hope. plus more bad reviews than positif punya, nampaknya mungkin tak kut.
aku ada dapat 1 as wedding gift and mak aku's been using it because the kettle at home broke. she's really pleased as she describes the new assistant as handy.
well, depends on our budget, err design and more errr brand? hehehe