the day i gossip

Thursday, February 21, 2008

ada satu orang dalam team aku nih, sangat teringin aku nak jumpa dia. bukannya apa, the level of his fussiness is so high that makes me want to strangle him sometimes hahahaha

yes, he's him. basically the team i'm working with is in a small scale, dulu ada 6 skarang tinggal 5 since sally, my manager's secretary left awal tahun ari tu. jadi 2 kat southampton, aku and clive, the rest sumer kat eindhoven (NXP-IT headquarters sini la babes hehehe). since the first day i started, clive already mentioned about this one particular guy.

very fussy, very attentive to details, quite sensitive hmmm, easily annoyed, mostly karakter pompuan ye tak. so when i meet guys with these characters it seems that they're more difficult to handle. sebab tu aku teringiiin sangat nak jumpa face to face, sapalah yang rajin emel aku nih dengan questions, komen-komen, proposals, list job yang panjang. the most recent, the 3 of them have to review documents and web stuffs and guess who's the first to respond. of course it's henk with a very long list yang buat aku naik pening tengok. tapi sebenanya kan in a good way it teaches me to be very detailed too and helpes me a lot in doing my jobs.

this morning clive came with some good news. henk is really pleased with me hehehehehe pleased tak pleased, all the above are true and i won't take them back.

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