
lagaknya reunion band

Saturday, December 17, 2016

It's been a while, and here we meet again in the month of december 2016. there's only 1 song and will always be associated with my december. don't know why but it's like december anthem, very melancholic and bit hopeful..

where do i begin after on hiatus for more than 2 years. a break which i initially thought for days or weeks, and it became 2 years? life and routines have finally caught up with us, and blogging was no longer a must. last post featured a 9 month old sufi and she's turning 3 in a month. aaqilah is already a big 10 year old, natalia now 7 is the one who enjoys school so much.

A photo posted by Hasniza Hisma (@hasnizahisma) on

A photo posted by Hasniza Hisma (@hasnizahisma) on

i've got so many to share here but let me start all over again slowly and steadily, i hope.

bismillah, here for another journey

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