tieks or tula?

Saturday, October 18, 2014

If, let say you have an option between the following two, which one do you choose and why

A pair of tieks - obviously a very indulging pair of flats which i've been drooling for quite some time huhu can't find it in any shops, you have to buy it online http://tieks.com

design - oh yes.
functionality - can't say as i don't own one, never tested before.
price wise - pricey :(

Happy first day of fall! A much welcomed change after this L.A. heatwave :) #Tieks #FirstDayOfFall

never ever imagined that i'd go ga ga over another baby carrier after baby bjorn. bought in 2006 when aaqilah was less than 3 months, it served us obediently. we've been tru thick and thin over the years, from aaqilah to natalia, to our nephews and nieces and now sufi. to me baby bjorn is like the ultimate baby carrier, until i tested tula last week. since i've already had a baby carrier, i don't really bother about getting a new one. however, ssc or soft structured carrier was hailed as a better carrier because of it's ergonomic  design and very natural to your little ones. when i put sufi inside, the extra weights i felt when carrying her with baby bjorn seems disappeared. more importantly i could carry her at the back and we both still look very cute with it haha

Tula best 👍 tq aunty @theshyshy Model: #wisesufi Photo by: @theanum

design - oh yes
functionality - oh yes yess
price wise - pricey ;(

drools, more droollssss

i guess sufi won this time haha

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