photo a day

Tuesday, April 01, 2014

april has arrived, yeah!!

for those who doesn't know me well, i've always got something special for april. i used to buy a lot of magazines in april during my younger years. don't be surprise if there's a spending splurge in april, but i guess i've slowed it down as years go buy.

so, this year's april i guess i'm up for a challenge - photo a day challenge by fat mum slim. i've seen some of friends got themselves signed up, and it looks fun to me. so get ready for april's photo bombardments. a photo a day based on a daily theme sounds easy but human nature, we tend to get bored after a while. i'll pray to stick until the last day of the month, and will post a compilation, let's do it!!

*latest news*

lately i've started to develop a new unhealthy habit which is drinking coffee after 10pm. hence, my sleeping pattern has slowly changed, again, as i only feel sleepy around 2 am. less than 2 months ago, i was so desperately needed this since sufi chose to stay awake up until 3 or even 4 in the morning. but now, hers is improving unlike in my case, the new 'burung hantu'.

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