Sunday, October 31, 2004hey everybody,
last friday nite,aku dan fareeza memulakan our latest room project,apa lagi,pasang wordrobe la.since aku baru dpt cupboard tu,which arrived a day before dat(mlm tu sebok,tak sempat),ni la masanya untuk buat kerja..apa lagi..kerja!kerja!
first and foremost
parts of the components
as u can see above,those are the components and bahan-bahannya needed.peralatan seprti biasala,the most important,screwdriver dan juga hammer.sadly,we dont huv one,hence we only replaced it with watever type of thin metals,as long as it fits hehehe lagi satu,hammer digantikan dengan anak lesung,waaaa
fareeza's really doing her things..
me,measuring..senget tak?
partner in crime akakaaa
picturing here,us tru the whole,frankly aku rasa yang aku dah tade haitl untuk pasang-memasang kekekeke maklumla,since duduk sendiri ni,everything must be done on our own.hari tu,kena pasang katil,now cupboard.oh ya,baru jer malam semalam tolong fareeza pasang meja pc time actually,its a good way to exercise and release urself awhile..give a try..
and finally,our efforts..
tada!!our ANEBODA